The Brief
To Be Bond is a British events company, who offer a unique role play experience, targeted at wealthy men looking to live life as James Bond for 24 hours.
To Be Bond jetset their customers around Europe on a bespoke mission doing all the things you would expect of James Bond; jumping out of a plane, taking part in a private high stake poker game in Monaco, fast car to a waiting speedboat whilst danger and enemies loom large.
We were asked to develop an identity system to work across a variety of mediums including marketing materials, websites, apps and film.
The Solution
The logo is a subtle typographic solution with the brand identity working predominantly in black and white, with the inclusion of gunmetal foils in the printed materials. The dark and sinister look & feel aims to reflect their Bond experience.
The trailer, shot by Tiny-Dog films works as a teaser to promote ‘the mission’ but to also give the audience a small insight to what they will experience.